There are many reasons to incorporate one or more custom hand-painted signs into the décor of a once-in-a-lifetime event or cyclical events. They have the power to imbue a special quality to the festivities; they can blend in with existing themes to provide cohesiveness and continuity; they have the ability to be fashioned in unusual shapes and non-standard sizes; and they add striking, eye-catching imagery that is impossible to go unnoticed.
The Landscape Horticulture Department at Merritt College in Oakland needed a highly visible event parking sign. A portion of the department logo was used to maintain identity and high contrast colors were applied to stand out. The sign was hand painted using acrylics and then sealed with an exterior sealer. Letter stencils were intentionally not used in an attempt to promote a hand crafted look.
A soil science instructor, during one of her lectures, expressed the desire to have a poster-sized version of the above pH (potenz Hydrogen, a phrase meaning the “power of hydrogen” or the “potential of hydrogen”) scale. The above image is painted onto a 32" x 40" sheet of mat board. The scale is on the wall of the classroom as a teaching tool to show students how soil pH affects the nutrient availability and form, which is vital to plants.
Do you have a special event requiring a colorful painting of the guest of honor's name? Or any other message you would like to convey in a bold manner? This name sign was painted with acrylics in a freehand style without the use of a preliminary sketch or line drawing.
A grandmother asked to have a sign painted to hang on the gate of the corner of her yard that she fenced off for her granddaughter. The sign is the first phase of a two phase project. The second phase will be to paint a mural using some of the images from the sign onto one of the wood perimeter fences.
Logo and Booth Design
Griller extraordinaire with award-winning chicken recipe, placing first three times at the Martinez King of the County BBQ Challenge, needed a logo for his competition booth. The rampant lion with the title of the barbeque team was painted using acrylics onto a stretched 20" x 24" canvas. That design was hand-painted onto three T-shirts and three aprons for each of the BBQ team members. Next, the logo was deconstructed into two separate components. The title of the team was hand-painted onto two 12"H x 10'L canvas banners and the rampant lion was hand-painted onto four canvas panels that were attached to the ends of the banners.
Smokin' LION BBQ Original Canvas and Chef holding 1st Place Award
Smokin’ LION BBQ in action at the Martinez King of the County BBQ Challenge. Placed FIRST for Best Booth Design in 2011 competition.